House Prices

Eastwood CloseLondonE18

Overview of Eastwood Close

Updated Jun 2024

The street Eastwood Close is located in the E18 postcode district .

It is a residential street comprising 15 addresses, of which 15 are flats.

The average house price on Eastwood Close is £372,672 which has seen an increase of 1.3% in the last 12 months with rental prices increasing 3.8% during the same period.

The most common type of property in Eastwood Close, London, E18 is a modern flat built between 2007 and 2011. Eastwood Close, London, E18 has not seen any properties sell since at least 1995.

12 month sale price change
Sale price change
(12 months)
12 month rental price change
Rental price change
(12 months)
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House Prices on Eastwood CloseLondonE18

  • The average property price is £372,672
  • Property prices range from £372,672 for a leasehold flat, with 2 bedrooms split across 646 square feet of gross internal area and has no outside space to £476,809 for a leasehold flat, with 3 bedrooms split across 936 square feet of gross internal area and has no outside space
  • Average £/sq ft for properties in Eastwood Close, London, E18 is £509/sq ft
  • Rental prices range from £1,755 to £2,129 per month
  • Properties achieve a rental yield of between 5.4% and 5.7%
Property prices for Eastwood Close, London, E18
Sale prices£372,672£476,809
Rental prices£1,755 pcm£2,129 pcm

Eastwood Close Buildings and Energy Efficiency

The average internal area for a residential property in Eastwood Close is 743 sq ft with properties ranging from 603 to 936 sq ft. The buildings are generally modern properties with the most common Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating being B.

The diagram shows the distribution of EPCs within Eastwood Close.

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Amenities Close to Eastwood Close, London, E18


Schools around Eastwood Close, London, E18

The nearest primary school is Oakdale Infants School which is 0.3km away and is rated Good by Ofsted. The nearest secondary school is Woodbridge High School which is 1km away and is rated Good by Ofsted.

Below shows the nearest Primary schools to Eastwood Close, London, E18.

Oakdale Infants School

Below shows the nearest Secondary schools to Eastwood Close, London, E18.


Public transport options for Eastwood Close, London, E18

The closest station to Eastwood Close, London, E18 is South Woodford station which is 0.2km away.

Below shows the nearest stations to Eastwood Close, London, E18 with their type.

South Woodford
London underground
London underground
London underground
London underground
Wood Street
London overground

Postcodes on Eastwood CloseLondonE18

There is one postcode on Eastwood Close

For detailed analysis with colourful heatmaps

  • House prices in E18 1BX

Other Streets Near to Eastwood Close

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