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About Us

Bricks&Logic was created out of a desire for higher quality information and greater transparency when renting, buying and selling property.

What We Do

Whether you're renting, selling, buying, or just dreaming, property plays an important role in all our lives. Yet when it comes to valuing a property, it can be hard to know where to start.

At Bricks&Logic, we want to make it easier for everyone by presenting accurate, objective data in an accessible way.

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Our Data Background Image

The Data

By collecting, cleaning up and analysing the huge amount of publicly-available data and overlaying with private data from our Estate Agent network, we can create accurate descriptions and predict values for 28 million properties across England & Wales.

Our Team

We are a fun team who are passionate about our product and making a difference in the property market.

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We’re always looking for great people to join our team
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