House Prices
Village Close


A Comprehensive Guide to NW3 5AHVillage CloseLondonNW3

Updated Jun 2024

NW3 5AH is a residential postcode located on Village Close, London, NW3 with 15 houses within its bounds. The average house price is £2,175,465 and prices have decreased by an average of 0.7% in the last 12 months, whereas rental prices have behaved inversely, rising by 5.8%.

NW3 5AH: An Overview

  • 15 residential address, all of which are houses
  • 639th largest and the 997th most expensive postcode out of the 1,289 postcodes in the NW3 area
  • The most common type of property in NW3 5AH is a mid century house built between 1930 and 1949
  • NW3 5AH has seen one sale in the last three years but none in the last twelve months.
12 month sale price change
Sale price change
(12 months)
12 month rental price change
Rental price change
(12 months)
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House Prices in NW3 5AHVillage CloseLondonNW3

  • The average property price is £2,175,465
  • Property prices range from £1,993,765 for a freehold house, with 3 bedrooms split across 861 square feet of gross internal area and has a garden to £2,787,224 for a freehold house, with 4 bedrooms split across 1,378 square feet of gross internal area and has a garden
  • Average £/sq ft for properties in NW3 5AH, Village Close, London, NW3 is £2,220/sq ft
  • Rental prices range from £5,312 to £7,148 per month
  • Properties achieve a rental yield of between 3.1% and 3.2%
Property prices for NW3 5AH, Village Close, London, NW3
Sale prices£1,993,765£2,787,224
Rental prices£5,312 pcm£7,148 pcm

NW3 5AH Buildings and Energy Efficiency

The average internal area for a residential property in NW3 5AH is 980 sq ft with properties ranging from 861 to 1,378 sq ft. The buildings are generally mid century properties with the most common Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating being D.

The diagram shows the distribution of EPCs within NW3 5AH.


Most Recent Sold Prices* in NW3 5AH

  1. 8, Village Close, LondonNW3 5AH

    861 square foot 3 bedroom house with a garden

  2. 15, Village Close, LondonNW3 5AH

    1,109 square foot 3 bedroom house with a garden

  3. 5, Village Close, LondonNW3 5AH

    1,001 square foot 3 bedroom house with a garden


Read more about house prices in NW3 5AH.

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Top 3 Most Expensive Sold Prices* on Village Close, London, NW3

  1. 8, Village Close, LondonNW3 5AH

    861 square foot 3 bedroom house with a garden

  2. 12, Village Close, LondonNW3 5AH

    1,378 square foot 4 bedroom house with a garden

  3. 15, Village Close, LondonNW3 5AH

    1,109 square foot 3 bedroom house with a garden


*Based on the latest published Land Registry sold prices.

Amenities Close to NW3 5AH, Village Close, London, NW3


Schools around NW3 5AH, Village Close, London, NW3

The nearest primary school is Rosary Roman Catholic Primary School which is 0.3km away and is rated Good by Ofsted. The nearest secondary school is The UCL Academy which is 0.9km away and is rated Good by Ofsted.

Below shows the nearest Primary schools to NW3 5AH, Village Close, London, NW3.

Rosary Roman Catholic Primary School

Below shows the nearest Secondary schools to NW3 5AH, Village Close, London, NW3.


Public transport options for NW3 5AH, Village Close, London, NW3

The closest station to NW3 5AH, Village Close, London, NW3 is Belsize Park station which is 0.4km away.

Below shows the nearest stations to NW3 5AH, Village Close, London, NW3 with their type.

Belsize Park
London underground
Hampstead Heath
National rail
Hampstead Heath
London overground
Finchley Road
London underground
Swiss Cottage
London underground

Properties in NW3 5AH

Below is a list of all 15 properties in NW3 5AH. Click on them for more house price and analysis for that property.

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Other Postcodes Near to NW3 5AH

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