B92 0JG is a residential postcode located on Knowle Road, Barston, Solihull, B92. It is the 562nd largest postcode in the B92 area.
It contains 34 flats and the most common type of property is a modern flat built after 1980.
The average house value is £514,779. Sales values have increased in the last 12 months by 3.7% and Rental values have increased by 4.2%.
Property sale values range from £405,432 for a leasehold flat, with 2 bedrooms split across 797 square feet of gross internal area and has no outside space to £610,296 for a leasehold flat, with 3 bedrooms split across 1,496 square feet of gross internal area and has no outside space.
Average £/ft2 for properties in B92 0JG is £451/ft2.
Properties achieve a rental yield of between 5% and 5.2%, and rental values range from £1,773 to £2,567 per month.
The last sale was 22 Nov 2023 for £420,000 and since then the market in the area as increased by 2.8%. The postcode has had a total of 4 sales since 1995.
B92 0JG has seen 4 sales in the last three years and 1 sale in the last twelve months.
B92 0JG is the 562nd largest and the 603rd most expensive postcode out of the 716 postcodes in the B92 area.
B92 0JG is a residential postcode located on Knowle Road, Barston, Solihull, B92 with 34 flats within its bounds.
The most common property type in B92 0JG is a modern flat built after 1980.
The homes are generally modern in style with the most common Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating being B.
The closest station to B92 0JG is Hampton-in-Arden station which is 2.5 km away.