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Area Overview

for Solihull

Solihull contains 19 postcode districts comprising a total of 246,001 properties.

The average property price in Solihull is £344,465 which has increased by 3.6% over the last twelve months. During this time rental prices have increased by 4.2% for an average rental price of £1,448 per calendar month.

Prices last updated 01 Sep 2024.


Sales Prices

in Solihull

The average sale price in Solihull is £344,465 and prices range from £192,172 in B37 to £756,078 in B94.

This following chart shows how the area has performed as a whole over the last ten years compared to the UK averages.

The West Midlands
England & Wales

Rental Prices

in Solihull

The average rental price in Solihull is £1,448 and prices range from £908 in B37 to £2,647 in B94.

This following chart shows how the area has performed as a whole over the last ten years compared to the UK averages.

The West Midlands
England & Wales

Postcode districts

within Solihull

Solihull contains 19 postcode districts comprising a total of 246,001 properties.

House prices in your area

within Solihull

In order of the most recent 12 month's sales change. Browse on our map for more detailed analysis with colourful heatmaps.
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