The postcode district B92 is located in the West Midlands.
It is a residential district comprising 16,115 addresses, of which 2,552 are flats and 13,563 are houses.
The average house value is £307,589. Sale value has increased in the last 12 months by 3.6%, and Rental value has increased by 4.0%.
Property sale values range from £57,512 for a leasehold flat, with 1 bedrooms split across 388 square feet of gross internal area and has no outside space to £2,251,597 for a freehold house, with 6 bedrooms split across 4,973 square feet of gross internal area and has a garden.
Average £/sq ft for properties in B92 is £337/sq ft.
Properties achieve a rental yield of between 2.8% and 8.8%, and rental values range from £408 to £5,287 per month.