B92 0AW is a residential postcode located on Peace Court, Hampton-In-Arden, Solihull, B92. It is the 59th largest postcode in the B92 area.
It contains 5 houses and the most common type of property is a modern house built after 1980.
The average house value is £417,542. Sales values have increased in the last 12 months by 2.8% and Rental values have increased by 2.6%.
Property sale values range from £417,542 for a freehold house, with 3 bedrooms split across 797 square feet of gross internal area and has a garden to £417,542 for a freehold house, with 3 bedrooms split across 797 square feet of gross internal area and has a garden.
Average £/ft2 for properties in B92 0AW is £517/ft2.
Properties achieve a rental yield of between 5% and 5%, and rental values range from £1,732 to £1,732 per month.
B92 0AW is the 59th largest and the 523rd most expensive postcode out of the 717 postcodes in the B92 area.
B92 0AW is a residential postcode located on Peace Court, Hampton-In-Arden, Solihull, B92 with 5 houses within its bounds.
The most common property type in B92 0AW is a modern house built after 1980.
The homes are generally modern in style with the most common Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating being B.
The closest station to B92 0AW is Hampton-in-Arden station which is 400 m away.
The most recent census in 2021 recorded the age of all UK residents.
In the area around B92 0AW, the average age was 44.9 and the most common age was 57.
The graph below shows how this compares to This region and the rest of England & Wales
According to recent data from Ofcom, there is poor internet coverage in this area which may result in poor or no internet connectivity.
According to data from the Environment Agency, the flood risk in this area is considered to be very low.
The recent census recorded whether a resident owned or rented their home.
In the area around B92 0AW, 43.9% of property is privately owned with a mortgage and 37.8% is privately owned outright.
The graph below shows how this compares to Greater London and the rest of England & Wales.
The recent census recorded the highest level of education achieved by residents in the local area.
In the area around B92 0AW, 23.5% of residents are recorded as possessing school level qualifications and 49.4% as possessing degree level qualifications.
The graph below shows how this compares to Greater London and the rest of England & Wales
The recent census recorded whether a property was a primary or secondary home for the resident.
In the area around B92 0AW, 2.0% of property was a second home.
Comparison figures for This region and the rest of England & Wales are listed below.
The recent census recorded the number of cars registered in each household.
In the area around B92 0AW, there are an average of 1.7 cars per household.
See below for how this compares to This region and the rest of England & Wales.