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Last update: Jul 2024

Postcode Overview

of AL4 0EY

AL4 0EY is a residential postcode located on Cairns Close, St. Albans, AL4. It is the 753rd largest postcode in the AL4 area.

It contains 58 flats and the most common type of property is a period flat built between 1800 and 1911.

properties list title title

Average property prices

in AL4 0EY

The average house value is £294,819. Sales values have increased in the last 12 months by 1.4% and Rental values have increased by 5.8%.

Property sale values range from £198,804 for a leasehold flat, with 1 bedrooms split across 441 square feet of gross internal area and has a garden to £306,164 for a leasehold flat, with 2 bedrooms split across 474 square feet of gross internal area and has a garden.

Average £/ft2 for properties in AL4 0EY is £548/ft2.

Properties achieve a rental yield of between 5.2% and 5.8%, and rental values range from £963 to £1,316 per month.

Sale value change
12 months
Rental value change
12 months
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Nearby postcodes

to AL4 0EY

AL4 0EY is the 753rd largest and the 61st most expensive postcode out of the 762 postcodes in the AL4 area.

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Property types

in AL4 0EY

AL4 0EY is a residential postcode located on Cairns Close, St. Albans, AL4 with 58 flats within its bounds.

The most common property type in AL4 0EY is a period flat built between 1800 and 1911.

period flat (58)
Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

of properties within AL4 0EY

The homes are generally period in style with the most common Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating being C.

A (0)
E (1)
B (0)
F (0)
C (35)
G (0)
D (13)
No EPC (9)
Schools nearby

Schools nearby

to AL4 0EY

The nearest primary school to AL4 0EY is Windermere Primary School which is 700 m away and is rated Good by Ofsted.
700 m
Windermere Primary School
700 m
Camp Primary and Nursery School
1.1 km
Cunningham Hill Infant School
The nearest secondary school is Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School which is 700 m away and is rated Good by Ofsted.
700 m
Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School
1.1 km
Beaumont School
1.6 km
Verulam School
Source: Ofsted (2016)
Public transport nearby

Public transport nearby

to AL4 0EY

The closest station to AL4 0EY is St Albans City station which is 2.1 km away.

2.1 km
St Albans City
3.0 km
St Albans Abbey
3.6 km
Park Street
4.5 km
How Wood
Source: National Rail

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